I am Ph.D. Candidate in Political Theory at Columbia University and expect to receive my Ph.D. by spring 2024. I work and teach on climate and environmental politics, social movements and critical theory. 

My research focuses on the political influence of environmental movements at a time of climate crisis. In a book project, titled Climate Justice, Movements and Political Change, I study how new environmental movements redefine the meaning of climate justice and push for political change from the ground up. In addition to the book project, I have broader interests in contemporary political thought and political theology. I am also the lead-editor of a book on interdisciplinary research approaches to climate justice. 

My academic work has been published in the Journal of Political Theology and has been awarded the Summer Fellowship by the Institute for Religion, Culture and Public Life at Columbia University. Occassionally, I also write public scholarship (in Spanish) for magazines such as Foreign Affairs Latin America and Revista Común.

I am the Junior Director of the Columbia Climate School Earth Network on Decarbonization, Climate Resilience and Climate Justice. This network connects researchers across Columbia University working on themes related to climate justice and is funded by a Columbia Climate School grant. You can visit the network’s website here.

You can email me at rsm2194@columbia.edu, and visit my academia.edu page here.